Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Bacon & Mushroom Quiche + Pandan and Peanut Butter Swiss Roll

I remember when I was working in Langham, I used to work overtime just to bake tons of quiche for a function.
Before that, I thought quiche should be pronounced as "kirsh" hahaha
But well at least I learnt how to make a quiche now hahaha

Quiche is actually a savoury tart, with your choice of meat or you can have it vegetarian as well.
It is not hard in making quiche but when you are doing the egg filling, I guess its hard to measure how much seasoning like salt to be put in.
Not that I am lucky but everytime the quiche I make just taste right hahaha
With mushroom and bacon inside.
My customer also order a swiss roll, a pandan swiss roll with peanut butter.
Not many people has eaten swiss roll of this flavour before, so it sounds so cool
to them when I mention Pandan & Peanut Butter Swiss Roll.

My mum always buy this one from her friend, thats when I know this and decided
to sell this swiss roll of this flavour.
You will never know how would it tastes like when pandan and peanut
link together, they just combine so great together!
For this time, I am using sweet shortcut pastry for the shell, so it tastes sweet on the shell
and savoury filling in the middle.
 It tastes good actually, sweet and savoury sometimes go very well
together hehe :)


Zoe said...

Both look fantastic!

I have never try baking Pandan and peanut butter together before and I wonder how will they taste being together.

Darren said...

The quiche is yummy with bacon and mushroom, I have tried pandan swiss roll with peanut butter before, they was awesome!